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Presenter, Tutorials

Thomas M. Brown

University of Rome-Tor Vergata, Italy
Presenter Bio

Thomas M. Brown investigated OLEDs for his PhD at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. From 2001-2005 he developed OTFTs and E-paper as Senior Engineer at Plastic Logic Ltd. In 2005 he was recipient of a “Re-entry” Fellowship awarded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. He is author of over 150 publications and 15 patents and Associate Editor of Solar Energy. Founder and current director of the Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy, at the University of Rome-Tor Vergata, where he is Associate Professor, his current research focus is in perovskite solar cells on flexible substrates and for indoor light harvesting, and in bio-hybrid devices.

Abstract: Perovskite photovoltaic cells for indoor energy harvesting

Wireless sensing networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution require easily integratable low-cost power sources to enable things, surfaces and systems to become “smart”. New generation printed photovoltaic (PV) cells have recently come to the fore for application in powering low-energy electronics since they can be fabricated with low-cost printing techniques as well as delivering power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) under artificial indoor light that are considerably higher than those achieved with PV cells based on the commercial conventional semiconductor silicon. Perovskite solar cells have been shown to consistently convert more than ~30% of incoming optical power from LED or compact fluorescent lighting.

In this tutorial we will cover
  1. The background regarding commercial markets and available technologies for indoor PV
  2. Illumination conditions found indoors vs standard test conditions (i.e. outdoors)
  3. Background on perovskite solar cells: fabrication and operation
  4. Operation and customization of perovskite PV for operation indoors,
  5. What requirements to achieve high PCEs indoors? Band gap, transport layer and defect engineering.
  6. Flexible vs rigid perovskite PV cells operating indoors
  7. Examples of possible applications and sizing of PV devices
  8. Comparison of state of the art performance vs other printed solar cells (organic and dye sensitized solar cells)
  9. New lines of research, challenges and perspectives.

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