Patron Packages
- 1 Tabletop
- 3 Exhibitor tabletop staff badges
- 1 discounted conference registration
- Listed as exhibitor/patron on website and printed materials
- Identified as patron on signs during the conference
- Identified as patron in electronic
- 1 Tabletop
- 4 Exhibitor tabletop staff badges
- 2 discounted conference registration
- Listed as exhibitor/patron on website and printed materials
- Identified as patron on signs during the conference
- Identified as patron in electronic
- Industrial track speaking slot (free to registered attendees)
- One-page ad inserted in conference bag (Patron must provide materials)
- One-minute company video (Super Bowl ad) before plenary
Website Patron
- 1 Tabletop
- 5 Exhibitor tabletop staff badges
- 3 discounted conference registration
- Listed as exhibitor/patron on website and printed materials
- Identified as patron on signs during the conference
- Identified as patron in electronic
- Industrial track speaking slot (free to registered attendees)
- One-page ad inserted in conference bag (Patron must provide materials)
- One-minute company video (Super Bowl ad) before plenary
- 5-minute presentation slot during conference lunch
- Customized access to a meeting room (interviews, hospitality)*