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Focus Session 6: E-Waste and Climate Change

Emanuel Carlos

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal

Currently, Emanuel Carlos is a Postdoctoral Researcher working on nanoimprint under the Fully Oxide-based Zero-Emission and Portable Energy Supply (FOXES) European project. He finished his PhD in 2021 in Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, NOVA University Lisbon (2021). He has been working in solution-based metal oxide electronics since 2015, focusing on sustainable materials and technologies. In 2017, he was selected to the IDS-FunMat-Inno program financed by EIT Raw Materials where had the opportunity to acquire important soft skills and do two internships of a total of 6 months at the Nottingham Trent University (UK) and VTT (Finland). His work involves the design, deposition, and characterization of solution-based metal oxide thin films, fabrication, and characterization of electronic devices (transistors, memristors, diodes) on flexible substrates. He is co-author of more than 15 (9 as the first author) peer-reviewed papers (h-index=12, 599 citations, February 2022) in high-impact journals and 2 book chapters in this area. He has been participating in national (Neuroxide, IDS Paper) and international (Merck Chemicals, i-Flexis, 1D-NEON, SUPERSMART, DIGISMART, FOXES) research projects in the area, with academia and industry. Regarding science dissemination he gave oral and poster (4 awards) presentations at renowned conferences such as MRS, E-MRS, and InnoLAE. Recently he won his first national project (Supreme-IT) as Co-PI and the 1st prize on the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge based on his PhD thesis idea.

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